As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#HSH #home #sweet #home

If this sounds like the sort of place you’d like to play, then read on!
How to join?
Submit an application on the minecraft forums (see website link) containing:
That’s all! If you’re accepted, I’ll add you to the whitelist and send a PM to your forum account with an invite to the discord server – (Please, 18+ only)
More about the server:
HSH (home sweet home) is a laid back, (mostly) vanilla survival server. I want it to be a mature environment where people feel comfortable meeting eachother in-game and playing cooperatively rather off in the wilderness on their own (as is so often the case in SMP). The server is strictly legit, which means no spawning of materials, no use of /gamemode and no use of /tp for anyone (staff included!). We’re also friendly to technical players and run a fabric based server that preserves vanilla mechanics. If you’ve read this far and this still sounds like the sort of server you are interested in, then please do apply
Server Modifications:

That’s all for now. Though I’m open to suggestions so long as they don’t change vanilla gameplay too much.
Rules & guidelines:
I don’t want the server to be a prescriptive environment with a long list of rules to follow, but we do have a few, so I’ll just get this section out of the way:
These are pretty much the only bannable offenses. Everything else is a-okay, but I would ask that you exercise good judgement and not play in a way that negatively affects other players.
That’s all! See you on the server!