Goodbye Emulators: TechLinked’s Hilarious Recap


Farewell, Emulators

Ch-Ch-Changes in the Tech World!

Nintendo vs. Yuzu: Piracy Concerns

Nintendo has set its sights on Tropic Haze, the creators behind the Yuzu Switch emulator, alleging massive piracy facilitation. With claims of over a million illegal downloads of “The Legend of Zelda: Tear of the Kingdom,” Nintendo is looking to prove Yuzu’s anti-piracy circumvention primary purpose.

Apple’s EV Dreams Dashed

Apple’s whisperings of a self-driving electric vehicle project have been silenced, shifting focus to AI endeavors. Additionally, IOS support for Progressive web apps in the EU has faced the chopping block due to interoperability concerns with Apple’s webkit.

Intel’s 1nm Chip Ambitions

Intel is aiming high with its plan for a 1nm chip process and automated AI-powered fabrication plants. As Intel races towards a future with cutting-edge technology, only time will tell if these ambitious projections will pan out as planned.

Goodbye Emulators: TechLinked’s Hilarious Recap

Quick Bits Roundup

– Adobe introduces Project Music GenAI Control, a generative AI tool for music creation and editing.
– White House Executive Order targets data brokers to prevent sensitive data sales to foreign adversaries.
– Tumblr and WordPress caught in the act of selling user data for AI training.
– Odysseus and SLIM spacecraft landers facing survival challenges on the moon.
– Honda’s Extended Reality SXSW demo showcases hands-free personal Mobility device innovation.

In a whirlwind of tech news, the landscape is ever-evolving. Stay tuned for further updates and innovations in the world of technology.

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Goodbye Emulators: TechLinked’s Hilarious Recap