Get Ready for Trouble: Wartales Tavern Launch!


Wartales: The Tavern Opens - Official Launch Trailer

Experience the Excitement of Managing Your Own Tavern in Wartales

Embark on a journey unlike any other in Wartales’ latest DLC, “The Tavern Opens”. Players now have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the medieval world of this open-world tactical RPG by taking on the role of tavern owner. As you watch the official launch trailer, you’ll discover a whole new dimension to the game, where you can manage every aspect of your own tavern.

From Humble Beginnings to Lavish Establishments

Start from scratch with a derelict shack and transform it into a bustling hub of activity. Set up equipment, decorate the interior, and hire a diverse team of staff including cooks, brewers, guards, and even a thief to help collect tips. Curate a menu that will appeal to your clientele, offering a variety of mouth-watering dishes and top-notch drinks to keep them coming back for more.

Manage Your Tavern Anywhere, Anytime

Whether you’re exploring the snow-capped mountains of Dumbach or navigating the plague-ridden marshlands of Harag, you can always check in on your tavern’s progress. Keep an eye on reports, purchase new furniture, and ensure your establishment is running smoothly even when you’re off on epic adventures.

Get Ready for Trouble: Wartales Tavern Launch!

Become the Toast of the Town

As your tavern grows in popularity, you may find yourself in need of a larger space. Relocate to a more spacious establishment, upgrade your decor, and entice your preferred clientele to spend their crowns on your offerings. Host gatherings where high-ranking officials mingle with common folk, and watch as your tavern becomes a staple of social life in the region.

With the bustling city of Goldenberg on the horizon, the opportunities for success are endless. Take on the challenge of managing your own tavern in Wartales’ “The Tavern Opens” DLC and experience a whole new level of gameplay.

Embrace the excitement, thrill, and challenges that come with running your own medieval tavern in Wartales. Are you ready to become a legendary tavern owner in the world of Wartales?

Cheers to a thrilling adventure in Wartales!

Get Ready for Trouble: Wartales Tavern Launch!