Games Baked in Germany: IGN Industria 2 Teaser


Industria 2 - Official Gameplay Teaser Trailer | Games Baked in Germany Showcase

Industria 2: Dive Into a Mysterious Parallel Dimension

Industria 2, the highly anticipated narrative FPS adventure, unveils an intriguing storyline set in a parallel dimension where a woman named Nora finds herself stranded. In this thrilling game, players must navigate through a captivating boreal landscape overrun by a relentless artificial intelligence, all in a quest to return home to 1989 East Berlin.

The Enigmatic Gameplay

In the gameplay teaser trailer, we catch a glimpse of Nora encountering Stazy agents in an old M shaft, setting the stage for a high-stakes journey filled with suspense and action. As players guide Nora through this parallel dimension, they must scavenge for resources, engage in strategic combat, and unravel the mysteries that lie ahead.

Strategic Choices

Nora’s encounters with the Stazy agents showcase the importance of decision-making in Industria 2. Players can choose to confront the agents head-on or utilize the environment to their advantage, adding a layer of strategy to the gameplay experience. The inclusion of a tripod that interacts with Atlas robots adds a unique element to combat scenarios, requiring players to think on their feet and adapt to the challenges they face.

Games Baked in Germany: IGN Industria 2 Teaser

As fans eagerly anticipate the release of Industria 2 on PC platforms such as Steam, Epic Games Store, and GoG, the promise of a riveting narrative and immersive gameplay experience is sure to captivate gamers worldwide. Be sure to add Industria 2 to your Steam wishlist and prepare to embark on a thrilling adventure like no other!

Positive vibes all around as Industria 2 invites players to step into a world filled with mystery, danger, and excitement. Get ready to immerse yourself in a parallel dimension like never before!

Games Baked in Germany: IGN Industria 2 Teaser