As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
You may be asking yourself what is ExcaliburMC? Well ExcaliburMC is a fun factions pvp server. It includes KOTH (King Of The Hill), Duels, Factions, Raiding and crates!. The staff members will try there hardest to fix bugs,glitches, and more. They will ban the hackers and rule breakers.

KOTH (King Of The Hill): This is a gamemode where factions/teams collide and try to control a area known as koth. If they control the area (koth) for 10mins they will get a reward of a kit named koth! This includes a bunch of goodies. Such as protection 4 diamond armor!! and alot more amazing loot!
Duels: This is a plugin that allows players to duel other players! This plugin will be used for pvp tournaments! If you win a pvp event (pvp tournaments) you will recieve the highest donator rank kit.
Factions: With this plugin players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land. Factions is also about diplomacy and war. You declare wars and forge alliances. You fight over land and manage your monetary expenses.
Raiding: Raiding is apart of the factions plugin. You find other players bases and try to raid them with tnt cannons, hybrid cannons and alot more cannons! When you break through there base you will have to break/open there chest and steal there goodies!
Crates: Crates is pretty much self explanitory. You get crate keys by doing /kit starter or /kit key! And right click chests with the tripwire hook (key) and hope you get some good loot!

-ExcaliburMC Staff Team