As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
Eden mc is a fantastic new server looking for new players to get started with their friends. We have a very friendly staff, and are willing to help you with any problems you may encounter. I myself am an experienced server owner/op and can solve any issues that may come about. As of right now, we are a basic-ish server with not too many plugins, however, i want this to change soon. I want the community to shape and slowly evolve the server into something extraordinary. If you like small servers that are tight knit, everyone knows each other and is a throwback to all the old servers we grew up with, give my server a join, and if you really enjoy it, please leave me a vote 🙂

Some useful commands
:/set home – makes a home
/home – Takes you to the home you just set
/clan – Gives you options for creating a guild
/sell hand – Sell whatever you are holding
/warp – Teleport to a new place
/back – Go back to where you just were, or back where you just died
/tpa – Teleport to a player
/tpaccept – Accept a teleport request
/claim – Claim your territory so it cannot be griefed
/backpack – You have a backpack!
/bal – See your money