As featured on New Minecraft Servers
Dingus MC is a new MMO survival server proving an enhanced vanilla experience for regular Minecraft players. Don’t you hate logging on to a server and being stuck in a hub with 20 different places to go? We jump you right into the action at spawn. Just /rtp out and starting playing!

So what makes us unique? You’ll start leveling up custom skills as you play, find special crafting items in your recipe book, and experience leveled hardcore mobs. The best part is you just have to play Minecraft like a normal player. No fancy texture packs, no mod launchers, no MMO experience. just starting playing!
Some things you will also enjoy are the player shops region and tight player economy. You can claim your land with the golden shovel like many other servers use. Free ranks for time played. We also give out voting keys that unlock special items in crates such as, higher enchants, skill buffs, and custom abilities on your gear. Focus on a skill to benefit the server. Maybe you’ll be a brewer and sell your buffed potions in the player market. Maybe you’ll forge equipment for players. My personal favorite is the healing items you can craft like bandages from paper or gauze from wool. These pop up in the vanilla crafting book when you started and help against high leveled mobs.
The world is fresh with a 15k border. We have a resource world that resets every 3 days to insure you can keep finding the best items. PVP is allowed in the wilderness but not in your claimed regions. There is a Zombie infested region on one corner of the map you can venture into, this area is mostly safe in the day but summons hordes at night. Its an excellent place to level up your fighting skills and find server secrets. For added suspense you cant teleport out of this region so enter at your own risk! Don’t worry about your death! When you die you drop a grave, which you can return to and get your items.
Were a small community now, and hope to grow. As a server owner I’m extremely dedicated to improving the server and adding new features for my players. Try us out for a half hour and I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself ESPECIALLY if your coming as a vanilla player!