As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Dawn #Era
Dawn MC is a Vanilla server featuring some datapacks to add some quality of life. All the data packs are inspired by Hermitcraft. We are looking for some very active players to strengthen our tight community!

This wipe we’re all building on a continent which consists of (almost) every biome.
World Map
- Be mature and treat each other with respect
- 21+
- No duping/cheating of any kind
- No stealing, PVP-ing without consent of both parties
- Do not settle down at spawn (Shopping District)
- Get permission from your neighbour(s) if you’re building close to them
If you want to invite your friends to play on the server please contact one of the staff beforehand
Use this template if you are interested in joining Dawn MC (post below or msg on Discord):

Minecraft IGN:
Discord IGN:
Year of Birth:
Location (Timezone):
How often will you play on the server?:

What is unique about your playstyle?:
Why should you be whitelisted?:
Tell us about yourself:
Add me on Discord: : astrovalk
We hope to see you soon!