As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
Enjoy catching, training, trading and breeding Pixelmon on a Reforged server. We strive to provide a fun and enjoyable experience for all our players. We ask that all players adhere to the server rules at all times and do not hesitate to join our Discord server if they have questions, as it is the fastest way to get a response from staff.

There is a wide array of plugins and mods installed that give players a unique Pixelmon adventure. You can find out more about the servers plugins and mods on the Wiki page. Be aware there is a referral system in place that grant the player inviting others with a reward of 10 Rare Candy when joining player types /ref {referring user} as the referred player also get 5 rare candy.
Please remember to vote everyday. Voting helps the server attract more players. When you vote at a site you are given a Keys Crate key and $1000 on the server. There are 3 vote links that one can vote at everyday.