As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing

Our server CubeFarm has been completely redone from the early stages as some players can recall where not that great.
But today CubeFarm is fitted with custom coded plugins made perfectly for our server which will enchance the player experience drasticly.
One of our main goals is to create a friendly based community which everyone will feel welcomed in.
Thats why we have a staff team of many experienced players to help everyone and anyone out with their issue.
When joining the server you will spawn in our Market.
You will then create your farm by typing /farm create and start earning our currency which is Emeralds.
After youve sold your first load of food or minerals which all will be found in your farm.
You will always be able to feel safe because this plugin generates a whole world just for you.
So theres no need to worry about loosing your items because of some other player.
Later on you can exchange your Emeralds with the villagers to buy even better Tools and new Seeds.
You can also upgrade your farm by typing /farm upgrade which will give you more space to build.
I hope youve found this information usefull and I hope to see you on soon.