As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#CropCraft #1.20.4 #Farming #PVP

➤➤ What is CropCraft?
CropCraft is a NEW farming eco mixed with pvp server based off of version 1.20.4 but compatible with previous versions aswell! CropCraft was created in january of 2024 as a way to bring back the nostalgia of former “drug” servers without stepping over the line, We wanted it to have the same feel of these old servers but without stepping over the line in terms of actual content in game. Our community is very new and we are still very much a work in progress but we appreciate all the players who participate during our development aswell as directly support us!
Server IP: Discord link:
➤➤ Cool so whats the goal?
As mentioned before this should be familiar for OG server players of the retired genre, The whole idea is to Grow, Sell, and raid your way through the in game ranks to rise and become the top player of the season. Of course this is a very general idea of the gameplay but should give you an idea of what to expect. Things like massive crop farms, lots of pvp and raiding, and other eco related features if this sounds like something you might be interested in stop by and give our server a chance.

➤➤ What can you grow?
We currently offer 9 different crops that can be sold for profits on our server each with a different price based off how difficult the crop can be to produce. There is much potential for more crops to be supported in the future but here is our current list Wheat, Sugar/Paper, Cactus green, Cocoa beans, Pumpkin seeds, Mushrooms, Nether wart, and Chorus fruit.
➤➤ Alright so where am i growing these crops?
In the Wilderness of course! you can get there by directly warping or walking through the portal located in spawn. The wilderness is exactly that, a seperate world where PVP and raiding is encouraged also happens to be home to the biggest crop farms on the server. When going through the portal you will find yourself at a Safezone tower where there will be a 100 block safezone in each direction preventing any building/pvp, Once you exit there you will be on your own. There is no player land protection of any sort on our server so make sure you keep that in mind when building your base, location and appearance will play a big factor in how long until someone comes across your farm!
➤➤ One last thing where do i sell?

Our server has a heavy focus on PVP as mentioned so of course naturally our sell area is also PVP enabled we like to call this area the “Sewers”. The sewers are a underground pvp/pve enabled area located directly under spawn! Inside the sewers you are going to instantly come across the first two shops of course they are easy to find for a reason, They will only buy wheat off of you and nothing else. By now you figured out the sewers are a large area and has multiple shops located actually hidden inside… 6 shops total making up 3 pairs of tiered shops. 1st tier taking only wheat 2nd tier taking some more crops and 3rd tier taking all of the available crops. Be careful here people will be preying on you trying to cash in what is supposed to be your big payday of crops!
We thank all players for giving our server a try and appreciate any and all feedback or suggestions you may have! Crippin, the server owner can be reached directly on discord otherwise another staff member should be happy to help you out!
Happy growing