As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#BTE #Germany

We are the largest BuildTeam of the BuildTheEarth project. Our goal is the true-to-scale replica of Germany in Minecraft. The BuildTheEarth project was launched in March 2020 by the American YouTube PippenFTS and, with over 150,000 Discord members worldwide, is one of the largest Minecraft community projects ever.
Become a part of the more than 20,000 Discord-Members and the 1000+ registered builder.
We offer you various options to help build or visit the server:
+ Join via or
+ With /nwarp you can teleport to selected locations
+ With /tpll you can teleport yourself to the exact coordinates from Google Maps
+ With /map you get to an overview map in the game
+ Default buildings by city and difficulty
+ Construction area is prepared

Official builder
+ only Java Edition (Modpack is mandatory)
+ Building freely selectable
+ Construction area must be prepared
+ infinite amount of time
In order to become an official part of our BuildTeam, we need to be able to gauge your building skills. But don’t worry, beginners are welcome too! There are several options for your application. In all cases, you must recreate two real-world buildings at a 1:1 scale in Minecraft. You can find more information on our discord.
The Build The Earth project mainly depends on two Minecraft mods to work: Cubic Chunks and Terra++. Cubic Chunks breaks Minecraft’s limitation on building buildings over a certain height. Terra++ uses information from geographic data services like OpenStreetMap to automatically generate terrain, which facilitates the building process.
If you’ve always wanted to recreate your own house, street or even your own place in Minecraft, you’ve come to the right place. You can expect a friendly community, a competent server team and lots of fun building!

We look forward to welcoming you!