As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
We have a discord server to communicate with others. We have a DiscordSRV if you would like to chat to those online even if you are offline. We currently have 20+ members. Who live worldwide!
If you are interested in becoming staff then join our discord server and head over to #staff-applications and apply there! We are hoping for staff from almost every country. We are also hoping for effective and efficient mods who we can promote to admin!
The owner of the server also plays, however, he is fair and had demoted himself down to his own owner role where he cannot tp, fly, go into creative, etc!
If you experience any bugs or issues or suspect any hackers please inform use via the minecraft chat or in discord where you can file a ticket!
If you would also like to become part of the support team, it is very simple to do so, simply apply you will 90% of them time get the role!
We hope to see many of you there and we hope to entertain you all through tough boring times!