As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
#Bass #Craft

Welcome to Bass Craft… We run Spigot 1.8.8 but offer a vanilla survival experience because the only plugins we have don’t change survival. All other settings are the same as vanilla MC. We have custom built MultiCraft commands to allow our users to set their home and teleport to spawn—this is not a plugin but an extension. We are all about hacking and allow all clients. X-ray, Nuker, KillAura – all welcome here. The only rule is no spamming or direct advertising. Flying isn’t enabled because it lags the server, but you can fly for short distances at lower speed to avoid being kicked. Our staff is very active and always willing to help. We offer free food and other items at spawn to get you started off on your adventure. We have a state-of-the art PVP arena and many cool pixel art drawings. You can vote for items every day to get even some of the rarest items. Now you may be thinking “Why is it called Bass Craft?” That is because our server pushes the line of creativity to bring something to Minecraft that has never been done before… we have designed our own dance club and stage with working lights, pyrotechnics, lasers, and that’s not all. We live stream a live DJ set directly from the owner’s personal mixer that is pure epic. You can listen to the live stream online and party with us in Minecraft. This epic event is going to be kicking off real soon but we are already all set up.. And who better to DJ the club than famous DJ Flux Pavilion.? And no we are not kidding you… The server owner is Flux Pavilion. If you don’t believe us, just come into to provided IP and check it out. We promise you will be impressed and are always willing to help you out. Check out some pictures if they are provided and we hope to see you soon.