As featured on New Minecraft Servers
Awyega – Custom items, mobs, bosses, dungeons, and more!Join our discord! –

IP –
The server utilizes a custom resource pack that will be applied upon joining
We are a new server where you can focus on PvP, adventure on your own, build whatever you want till your hearts content, or join a faction! We offer factions as well as custom items, gear, and skills to keep you invested in the server. We know there are a lot of servers out there you can play on and we appreciate you stopping by and giving us a try. I take any and all suggestions into consideration and am always open to changes. I have also set up a tutorial block in spawn that goes over most of the features of our server.
— Current Features —FactionsGreat communityDungeons with custom loot (naturally spawning, some hand placed, and many teleports)Two arenas to test your skill!Custom building items and decorationCustom bosses and mobsRandom structure spawningHundreds of random eventsAuction HouseOther than don’t hack there are no rulesShops GUICustom Crates (as well as a free daily one!)Friendly staff that take all suggestions seriouslyAbility to get keys for chests randomlyCustom Armor, Weapons, and ItemsSkills to level up your gameplayCustom enchantmentsJobs & leaderboardsRealistic Fire and ExplosionsAutoSellChestsLevelled MobsCustom item drops (rare occassions)Set Bounties

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