As featured on New Minecraft Servers
Since its founding in May of 2019, Allium has maintained a large, strong and friendly community of Minecraft players. Having recently entered the second season, Allium has taken off in popularity with up to 18 players online at once. Members of Allium pride themselves in community and kindness. We respect everyone and keep a mostly non-toxic, but also semi-mature atmosphere. We also love building massive farms and automation.

Allium is run by a set of hand picked Administrators who know how to resolve any issue. Griefing, stealing, and raiding can all be rolled back within seconds using the coreprotect plugin. Allium uses a greylist system, which means anyone can connect, but no one is given permissions before applying on our discord server.
If you are looking for a Hermitcraft or SMP Live type server, you’re in the wrong place. Allium is simply much larger and much better. We have a diverse group of players from around the world who are always innovating and exploring new ways to play Minecraft. We are interested in you if you are interested in us! Join us (: