Unleash the Power of Dryleaf Arts in Elden Ring
When facing the daunting enemies in Elden Ring, sometimes a good old punch to the face is the perfect solution. That’s where the Dryleaf Arts shine. Equipping these martial arts skills on your character will transform your fists and feet into weapons of unbridled fury. While they may not be the most powerful weapons to build around, they are undoubtedly some of the most fun and exciting options available early in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
Mastering the Dryleaf Arts
The Dryleaf Arts turn your tarnished character into a formidable martial arts master, replacing traditional weapons with bare-knuckle brawling. These attacks are swift, capable of stunning enemies under a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. Additionally, they excel at inflicting Poise damage and applying status-based effects like bleed, making them versatile in combat.
Obtaining the Dryleaf Arts
To acquire the Dryleaf Arts, you must seek out Dryleaf Danne, an NPC located in the land of shadow. You can find him in Castle Enis, northeast of the Scorched Village, or take a shortcut through the Scadualus region by navigating through the poison swamp and Wind Tunnels. Challenge Danne to a duel and emerge victorious to claim the Dryleaf Arts for yourself.

Optimizing Your Build
When building around the Dryleaf Arts, consider utilizing various Ashes of War and affinities to enhance your combat prowess. Whether focusing on heavy affinity for increased damage or utilizing bleed effects for additional damage over time, there are plenty of options to tailor your build to suit your playstyle.
Enhancing your character with talismans like the Brager’s Roar, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, and the Shattered Stone Talisman will further augment your damage output and combat abilities. By strategically allocating points into attributes like intelligence, dexterity, and strength, you can optimize your character for maximum effectiveness with the Dryleaf Arts.
Combat Strategies
In combat, employ a mix of quick, successive attacks to build up frostbite damage and stagger your foes. Utilize dodge rolls to close the distance, unleash rapid combos, and evade incoming attacks. For tougher enemies and bosses, activate buffs like Brager’s Roar to enhance your damage output and survivability.
With a well-rounded build and strategic combat tactics, you’ll be able to unleash the full potential of the Dryleaf Arts and dominate your foes in Elden Ring’s shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
For more tips and strategies on mastering martial arts builds and conquering the challenges of Elden Ring, stay tuned to IGN’s comprehensive wiki guide. Embrace the thrill of combat and immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of Elden Ring!