12 Essential Tips for FF7 Rebirth


FF7 Rebirth - 12 Essential Tips and Tricks

Unlock the Secrets of FF7 Rebirth with These Essential Tips and Tricks

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth introduces a myriad of new features and mechanics that can overwhelm even the most seasoned players. With Synergy Skills, Aerial Combat, Materia, and more, it’s essential to master these elements to succeed in the game. Here’s a breakdown of 12 essential tips and tricks to enhance your FF7 Rebirth experience:

Synergy Skills Are Vital

Utilize Synergy Skills to unleash powerful team-up attacks without consuming additional resources. Experiment with different character combinations to discover unique synergies that can turn the tide of battle.

Aerial Combat Is Easier Now

Embrace the new possibilities of aerial combat in FF7 Rebirth, where melee characters have the tools to engage airborne enemies effectively. Experiment with Synergy Abilities to dominate foes in the air.

12 Essential Tips for FF7 Rebirth

Pay Attention to Ability Symbols

Understanding the ability symbols at the bottom of the screen is crucial for optimizing your combat strategy. These symbols indicate specific properties of each ability, such as aerial or ground-based attacks.

Switch Party Members On the Fly

Quickly swap party members during combat by accessing the command menu and toggling between pre-made party setups. This flexibility allows you to adapt to changing situations without wasting valuable resources.

Chocobos Are Very Convenient

Make the most of Chocobos for efficient resource collection, traversal, and combat engagement. Explore the world on Chocobo back to streamline your gameplay experience.

Protorelic Quests Make You Explore

Follow Protorelic Quests to embark on engaging multi-part adventures that lead you to various areas of the game world. These quests offer a holistic exploration experience while uncovering valuable treasures.

Moogle Medal Retrieval Methods

Collect Moogle Medals through mini-games and exploration to expand your character folios. Utilize these valuable resources at Moogle Stools to enhance your abilities and equipment.

12 Essential Tips for FF7 Rebirth

Don’t Fill Up On Resources

Monitor your inventory and avoid missing out on essential resources by staying mindful of notifications. Use the item transmutation feature to convert excess items into useful resources for future endeavors.

Item Transmutation Is Important

Master the art of item transmutation to create essential healing items, equipment, and complete side quests efficiently. Experiment with different combinations to unlock powerful new items.

(Fully) Complete Sidequests

Maximize your rewards by fully completing sidequests with meticulous attention to detail. Check for gold stars next to quest objectives to ensure you have met all the requirements for optimal outcomes.

There’s Only 10 Save Slots

Exercise caution with your save slots, as FF7 Rebirth offers limited manual save opportunities. Make strategic use of your save slots to safeguard your progress throughout your epic journey.

The Timer Will Stop (Eventually)

Take advantage of the in-game timer pause feature by opening the pause menu and allowing the game to rest after 3 minutes of inactivity. Use this feature to manage your playtime effectively without losing progress.

12 Essential Tips for FF7 Rebirth

By implementing these essential tips and tricks, you’ll elevate your FF7 Rebirth experience to new heights. Embrace the challenges, explore the vast world, and unlock the secrets hidden within the game. Happy gaming!

12 Essential Tips for FF7 Rebirth