Can Next-Gen Live Up to This Gen’s Hype?


Will Next-Gen Deliver on This Gen’s Promises? - Next-Gen Console Watch

Will Next-Gen Fulfill This Gen’s Promises?

Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch where Daemon is joined by Max Scoville of Podcast Beyond and Jada Griffin, IGN’s Community Lead. This week’s topic: will the next generation of consoles actually live up to the promises made by this generation? The Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 boast features like 8K resolution and innovative technologies like haptic feedback and 3D audio, but are they being fully utilized by developers and gamers?

The Current Console Generation’s Potential

Max and Jada discuss the current generation’s performance and how it might be holding back the full potential of the hardware. Despite the focus on next-gen capabilities, the prevalence of cross-gen releases and the lack of games pushing the boundaries leave some room for improvement.

Max expresses a desire to see the hardware reach its maximum potential and deliver high-quality gaming experiences. Both hosts ponder the impact of developers still tethered to the previous generation consoles and the seeming reluctance to fully embrace the possibilities of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.

Can Next-Gen Live Up to This Gen’s Hype?

Features and Immersion

The conversation shifts to specific features like the DualSense controller, 3D audio, and the promises of 4K resolution at 60 frames per second. Jada highlights games like Returnal and Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart that have successfully leveraged these features to enhance immersion, but acknowledges that not all developers have fully embraced them.

Max weighs in on the practicality and effectiveness of features like the DualSense haptics and 3D audio, pointing out the need for optimal setups to fully appreciate them. The quest for stable 4K resolution at 60 frames per second remains a goal for the next generation, with hopes pinned on advancements like Unreal Engine 5 to streamline development.

Looking Towards the Future

The discussion wraps up with predictions on upcoming games and the potential for a new leap in technological advancements with the next generation of consoles. Despite current limitations, there is optimism for a brighter gaming future with groundbreaking titles on the horizon. The hosts invite the audience to vote on their expectations from this console generation and share their insights on future episodes.

As the episode concludes, Daemon thanks Max, Jada, and the production team for their contributions, promising more exciting updates on gaming hardware in the next episode.

And that’s a wrap for this edition of Next-Gen Console Watch. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the world of gaming technology. Keep gaming and stay connected for the latest updates!

Can Next-Gen Live Up to This Gen’s Hype?

Can Next-Gen Live Up to This Gen’s Hype?