Google’s Reaction to Apple Vision Pro


Google Reacts to the Apple Vision Pro

Google Throws Shade at the Apple Vision Pro 😎

Google seems to be feeling a little envious of the Apple Vision Pro! But why? Let’s take a closer look at how Google is reacting to Apple’s latest innovative product.

Google’s Fulgent Past in Wearable Tech

Google’s representative, Sam Tucker, sets the stage by reminiscing about Google Glass, the OG of face computers. Despite being discontinued after just two years, Google Glass made quite an impact with its appearance at fashion shows and TED talks. But does it measure up to the Apple Vision Pro?

Comparing Features: Google Glass vs. Apple Vision Pro

When it comes to resolution, the Apple Vision Pro boasts a 4K per eye pass-through quality, while the Google Glass offers “infinite K resolution” due to its absence of glass. While Google Glass’s 360p resolution might not sound impressive, it still holds its own, especially for contacting friends on Google+…even though it doesn’t exist anymore.

Google’s Reaction to Apple Vision Pro

A Playful Take on Shortcomings

Google doesn’t shy away from admitting its product’s missteps. From a shorter battery life to a less advanced hand gesture tracking mechanism, Google humorously owns up to the challenges faced by its former flagship product.

Bringing Originality to the Forefront

Despite Google Glass’s lack of popularity and refinement, the Google team took pride in demonstrating it in front of a live audience. This demonstration style seems to contrast with Apple’s more controlled and curated unveiling of their product.

Ending on a Positive Note

In the end, Google presents a lighthearted and humorous take on the comparison, encouraging viewers to also watch Meta’s and Microsoft’s reactions to the Apple Vision Pro. It’s clear that Google appreciates a good laugh as much as they appreciate innovation.

So, even in the face of a little friendly competition, it’s evident that Google still embraces the “FUNKY” and doesn’t take itself too seriously!

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Google’s Reaction to Apple Vision Pro

Google’s Reaction to Apple Vision Pro