10 VIBE-KILLERS in Video Games


10 Things That KILL THE VIBE in Video Games

10 Things That KILL THE VIBE in Video Games


When playing video games, there are moments when everything is going great, and then something happens that completely kills the vibe. In this article, Falcon from GameRanks discusses 10 things that have the potential to ruin the gaming experience. From dying during scripted moments to servers going down, these are the small but annoying issues that can disrupt the momentum in some of our favorite video games.

1. Dying During a Scripted Moment

One of the most frustrating vibe killers is the experience of dying during a scripted moment in a single-player game. Falcon highlights the example of Uncharted 3’s plane crash set piece, which can be completely disrupted if the player keeps dying at a certain checkpoint.

2. Performance Issues

Falcon addresses the frustration of dealing with performance issues, particularly in PC gaming, where players often have to spend time adjusting settings and dealing with stuttering, which can dampen the initial excitement of starting a new game.

10 VIBE-KILLERS in Video Games

3. Feeling Like You’re Doing Something Wrong

The uncertainty of making choices in RPGs and the long-term consequences they can have can create anxiety and kill the vibe for players, especially when a single choice can lead to disastrous outcomes, as Falcon points out in Baldur’s Gate 3.

4. Protagonists That Won’t Shut Up

An annoying protagonist who constantly talks and fills the game with unnecessary dialogue can be a major vibe killer, particularly in moments that are meant to be visually immersive.

5. The Wall of Side Quests

Games that inundate players with a plethora of side quests as soon as they enter a new area can cause players to feel overwhelmed and uninterested, ultimately killing the vibe.

6. Rubber Banding

Rubber banding in racing games, when overly aggressive, can take away from the competitive and fair aspect of races and ultimately disrupt the fun racing vibes.

7. Overly Complicated Crafting

Falcon highlights the frustration of needing specific crafting ingredients in games and the negative impact it can have on the gaming experience, particularly in open-world action games.

10 VIBE-KILLERS in Video Games

8. Just Barely Surviving a Combat Encounter

Receiving a low grade after barely surviving a combat encounter can feel demoralizing and diminish the sense of accomplishment, ultimately affecting the overall vibe of the game.

9. Dying Over and Over Again in a Horror Game

When the mechanics of a horror game become predictable and take away from the fear factor, it can detract from the immersive experience and kill the overall vibe of the game.

10. Servers Going Down

The ultimate vibe killer – when the servers go down during gameplay, it interrupts the entire gaming experience and can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Bonus: The Hard Sell

Falcon adds a bonus point about free-to-play mobile games, where the game’s generosity suddenly diminishes as players progress, leading to a shift in the overall gaming experience.

In conclusion, Falcon’s insights shed light on the small but impactful factors that can disrupt the immersive experience of playing video games. By addressing these vibe killers, game developers and players alike can work towards creating and enjoying a more seamless and engaging gaming experience.

10 VIBE-KILLERS in Video Games

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10 VIBE-KILLERS in Video Games