Top Abilities for Outlaws in IGN Star Wars


Star Wars Outlaws - Best Abilities To Unlock First

Unlocking the Best Abilities in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws takes players on a thrilling journey through iconic planets like Canto Bight, Tattooine, and Kijimi, following the adventures of the cunning scoundrel Kay Vess and her trusty pet Nix. To navigate the challenges of the galaxy, it’s essential to unlock the right abilities. Here are some of the best skills to prioritize for a successful gameplay experience:

Fast Talk/Keep Talking

One of the most useful abilities in Star Wars Outlaws is Fast Talk/Keep Talking. This skill allows Kay Vess to smooth talk her way out of tricky situations, deceive enemies, and gain crucial information. Mastering this ability can open up new dialogue options and provide valuable insights into the game’s narrative.

Speed Boost/Speed Jump

In a fast-paced environment like Star Wars Outlaws, having enhanced mobility is key. Speed Boost/Speed Jump enables Kay Vess to move swiftly across terrain, evade enemies, and access hard-to-reach areas. Whether you’re exploring a dense jungle or navigating a bustling cityscape, this ability is a game-changer.

Top Abilities for Outlaws in IGN Star Wars

Upgraded Slicing Kit

For tech-savvy players, investing in an Upgraded Slicing Kit is a no-brainer. This ability allows Kay Vess to hack into security systems, unlock doors, and access hidden areas. With the power of technology at her fingertips, she can outwit her foes and uncover valuable resources.

Treasure Hunter

Unleash your inner explorer with the Treasure Hunter ability. By honing this skill, Kay Vess can spot hidden treasures, locate rare artifacts, and collect valuable loot. Whether you’re searching for ancient relics or valuable credits, being a proficient Treasure Hunter pays off in the long run.

Smoke Bomb

When the odds are stacked against you, having a Smoke Bomb in your arsenal can turn the tide of battle. This ability creates a cloud of smoke, providing cover for Kay Vess to escape danger, regroup, or launch a surprise attack. Mastering the art of deception with the Smoke Bomb is essential for survival.

Electro Shock Prod

Sometimes, a subtle approach is more effective than brute force. The Electro Shock Prod allows Kay Vess to incapacitate enemies non-lethally, giving her the upper hand in combat situations. With this ability, she can disable foes, extract information, and navigate encounters with finesse.

Can I Try That?

In the world of Star Wars Outlaws, curiosity can be your greatest asset. The Can I Try That? ability allows Kay Vess to interact with various objects in the environment, experiment with different tools, and uncover hidden secrets. Embrace your sense of exploration and creativity with this versatile skill.

Top Abilities for Outlaws in IGN Star Wars

Laser Turret/Cheeky Explosion

When facing overwhelming odds, having a Laser Turret or Cheeky Explosion at your disposal can be a game-changer. These abilities unleash devastating firepower, decimating foes and clearing obstacles in your path. Whether you prefer to shoot first or make a bold statement, mastering these abilities is essential for success.

By unlocking and mastering these key abilities, players can enhance their gameplay experience in Star Wars Outlaws and overcome the challenges that await them. From navigating treacherous terrain to outsmarting enemies, these skills are essential tools for survival in the galaxy.

So venture forth, unlock your potential, and embrace the excitement of Star Wars Outlaws with these top abilities at your fingertips! May the Force be with you on your epic adventure.

Top Abilities for Outlaws in IGN Star Wars