14 Mind-Blowing Star Wars Outlaws Tips!


Star Wars Outlaws - 14 Things We Wish We Knew Sooner

Unlocking Success in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws offers a galaxy of possibilities as players step into the shoes of Kay Vess, a scoundrel making her mark alongside her Merqaal companion, Nix. Amidst the myriad options available, there are crucial insights that can enhance your gameplay experience. Here are 14 key things that could significantly impact your journey through Star Wars Outlaws.

Nix Is More Useful Than You Think

Nix, your faithful Merqaal buddy, is not just a sidekick. Utilize Nix’s abilities to your advantage during missions, as their support can make a real difference in challenging situations.

Eavesdrop Whenever Possible

Information is power. Make sure to eavesdrop on conversations to gather valuable intel that can help you navigate encounters more effectively.

14 Mind-Blowing Star Wars Outlaws Tips!

Always Keep Master Abilities In Mind

Master abilities are powerful tools that can turn the tide in your favor. Don’t forget to leverage these abilities strategically to overcome tough adversaries.

Don’t Worry About Taking Out Every Enemy

Focusing on stealth and smart tactics can often be more beneficial than engaging in every firefight. Choose your battles wisely to conserve resources and stay undetected.

Speeder Tips

Your speeder is not just a mode of transportation – it can be a valuable asset in combat situations. Customize your speeder for optimum performance to gain an edge in high-speed pursuits.

Be Careful of What (But Not Where) You Sell

Be mindful of where you sell your goods, as different factions may offer varied prices. Secure the best deals by selling to the right buyers at the right time.

Explore Secret and Hidden Paths

Don’t just follow the beaten path. Take the time to explore hidden areas and uncover secrets that could lead to valuable rewards or shortcuts.

14 Mind-Blowing Star Wars Outlaws Tips!

Watch the Pins When Using Data Spikes

When hacking terminals with Data Spikes, pay attention to the pins to ensure a successful hack. Mastering this skill can open up new possibilities and information.

Kay Has A Dodge Roll

Mastering Kay’s dodge roll can be a game-changer in combat situations. Use this maneuver to evade enemy attacks and reposition yourself strategically.

Imperials Are Cops

Stay alert when the Imperials are on your tail. Knowing how to shake off your Wanted level can save you from unnecessary trouble and pursuit.

Taking Out Two Guards At Once

When the odds are against you, consider taking out two guards simultaneously to gain the upper hand quickly in tight situations.

Feed Nix To Unlock Perks

Keep Nix well-fed to unlock special perks that can enhance your abilities and provide additional advantages during missions.

14 Mind-Blowing Star Wars Outlaws Tips!

Story Quests Unlock Way More Content

Don’t just focus on side missions. Engaging with the main story quests can unlock a wealth of new content, including abilities, items, and narrative developments.

Play Wandering Sylop To Earn Credits Quickly

Participating in the Wandering Sylop minigame can be a lucrative source of credits. Test your skills and earn rewards swiftly by engaging in this entertaining diversion.

Embark on your adventure in Star Wars Outlaws armed with these insightful tips to maximize your gameplay experience and achieve success in the vast galaxy of possibilities it offers. May the Force be with you!

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14 Mind-Blowing Star Wars Outlaws Tips!