10 Sneaky Tips for IGN’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 10 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 10 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has finally arrived with new adventures beyond Midgar for our beloved heroes. With complex combat systems and vast open-world exploration, players are in for a treat. If you’re diving into this epic journey, here are 10 tips to enhance your experience in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Combat Mastery

Master the combat system by utilizing Square attacks to build your ATB meter effectively. Delve into the assess Materia to uncover enemy weaknesses and maximize your battle strategies. Learn the art of dodging and blocking to protect your party from devastating blows.

Combat Shortcuts

Customize combat shortcuts to unleash powerful abilities without interrupting the flow of battle. Experiment with different shortcuts to find your favorite moves and streamline your playstyle.

10 Sneaky Tips for IGN’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Exploring the Open World

Once you’ve reached the chocobo ranch, unlock chocobo travel for swift and convenient exploration. Follow objective markers to access diverse open-world activities and immerse yourself in the rich environment.

Folios and Synergy Skills

Utilize folios to enhance your character’s skills and attributes. Experiment with different combinations to optimize your party’s strengths. Dive into the new Synergy system to unleash dynamic team-up attacks and gain unique combat advantages.

Party Strategies

Swap party presets seamlessly in combat settings to adapt to varying challenges. Explore different party combinations to tackle each encounter effectively and strategically.

Quests and Side Activities

Embark on quests to chase Proto Relics and uncover hidden treasures across the map. Engage in side activities like activating Remnant Wave Towers for additional challenges and rewards.

Decision-making in Quests

Be prepared to make tough decisions in quests that can impact your party’s relationships and quest outcomes. Look out for the golden stamp symbol to ensure you’ve made the right choices along the way.

10 Sneaky Tips for IGN’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Armed with these tips, you’re ready to face off against Sephiroth and unravel the mysteries of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. For more guides and features, continue exploring IGN for the latest updates on this epic adventure.

Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to level up and grow stronger. Enjoy your journey through the captivating world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth!

10 Sneaky Tips for IGN’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth