As featured on Minecraft Servers Listing
About the Server
Our server and our community already have quite the past!

First launched in 2017 as the prowdcraft server, then early 2018 we decided to rename it to the PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY, since the server would no longer be just the map, we play on, but the people that stuck to this project since its beginning. Along with the map reset, we got alot of new members and had a great time!
Mid 2018 when 1.13 came out, we decided as a group to restart again, because of the major changes that the update brought. Alot of people came and some left again, but the core of the party is still loyal to this day!
NOW(!) its time for YOU(?) to become part of this wonderful group of people and join us for our fourth season of
the PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY! We dont expect you, but we would very much appreciate you to become another long-term member and friend of everyone of us!
About Us
We are all pretty mature and would like people AT LEAST the age of 16 preferably even older than that.
Streamers and Youtubers are very welcome but its not a requirement at all.
Two things, that are most important to me, are:
1. Being friendly to everybody
2. Staying active and not leave after 1 week of playing
Therefore I will be very picky about accepting applications..
Our Plans
For this season of PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY, we plan on not roaming too far from spawn.
More infos here:

The seed we play on will be following: 17451728208755585
There will be a list of datapacks from the “Hermitcraft Vanilla Tweaks” installed to enhance our possibilities and
make everything more playerfriendly and fun!
That said, here are the Rules!

– Be nice to everybody.
– Dont grief. (This includes: not fixing creeper holes, not replanting crops or rebreeding animals after killing them, etc.)
– Dont cheat. (I have ways to detect if someone uses mods or texture packs that are more than visiuell like Optifine, so dont even try)
– Dont spam or swear in the chat.
– PvP is enabled, but only do it if both parties consent
– Dont steal from anyone.
– Always ask for permission, if you use a machine or other redstone contraption at someones base. (not including communal stuff at spawn)
– Discord is required. Sorry to force you having it, but every announcement and news will be posted there, and I like to have ways to communicate with everone other than minecraft chat.
– Stick to the plan! We thoroughly thought about the idea of this seasons playstyle (see above in Our Plans) so please respect that and try to adjust your playstyle, if needed..
– Server difficulty is normal
– DUPING and using BUGS is allowed! – Dont give someone duped items.
– Dont make the server crash with bugs.
– Dont dupe something that is selled by someone at spawn.
– Dont go overbored and destroy your own fun by overusing bugs.. :/
– PRANKING is allowed!
– No TNT, Lava, Fire, End Crystal, etc. Pranks.. they are just too destructive
– No Pranks that involve killing
– No Pranks around Redstone stuff, you dont want to ruin someones machine.
– Leave a sign! Dont prank someone without them knowing it was you, show some attitude!
– You must be creative! Placing a stack of Obsidian in someones house is annoying and not funny. Building a huge man inside a ring-shaped base using it as a hula hoop is indeed funny!
– Use your own material when pranking someone. And the pranked guy can keep it if he wants.
If you have questions on a rule or are uncertain in any way, contact me before you do something!
Application formular (please copy it as a comment and fill in the answers)
Nickname (How we will call you):
Youtube-Account (if available):
Twitch-Account (if available):
Usual playstyle (Redstone/ Builder/ Parkour/ Survival/ Something else?):
How many hours do/will you play weekly?:
Did you read the rules and do you agree with them?:
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
If you want you can add pictures of some of your builds here: